This paper is an attempt to analyze the threads associated with anti-Semitism in Will Eisner comics books and his struggle against stereotypical treatment of the Jews. The work is divided into two parts. In the first par...
Ethnography of a porcelain factory is one of the main components of a research project called “People from the porcelain factory”. The project is carried out in the porcelain factory in Ćmielów, Poland, owned by PolskieF...
A sketch explores possible ways of developing theory of mobile media and communication by referring to cars - iconic technology of mobility. The reference here is built around the key categories in digital media studies:...
(...) W numerze poświęconym Archeologii maszyn chcieliśmy nieco ograniczyć to pole badawcze i jednocześnie sprowokować do dyskusji i ustaleń dotyczących świadomości podobnych procesów wśród współczesnych uczestników kult...
Ewelina Twardoch (2014). When Man Becomes Machine. The Creation of ‘Symborgs’ in Pop Cultural Universes. Kultura Popularna, 4(38),
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Will Eisner. Komiks w cieniu stereotypów
This paper is an attempt to analyze the threads associated with anti-Semitism in Will Eisner comics books and his struggle against stereotypical treatment of the Jews. The work is divided into two parts. In the first par...
Sprawczość w fabryce porcelany
Ethnography of a porcelain factory is one of the main components of a research project called “People from the porcelain factory”. The project is carried out in the porcelain factory in Ćmielów, Poland, owned by PolskieF...
Media mobilne i samochody. W stronę holistycznej teorii mobilności
A sketch explores possible ways of developing theory of mobile media and communication by referring to cars - iconic technology of mobility. The reference here is built around the key categories in digital media studies:...
Wprowadzenie. Archeologia maszyn
(...) W numerze poświęconym Archeologii maszyn chcieliśmy nieco ograniczyć to pole badawcze i jednocześnie sprowokować do dyskusji i ustaleń dotyczących świadomości podobnych procesów wśród współczesnych uczestników kult...
Głód mięsa. O kanibalizmie w filmie Delicatessen