The article presents the connection between the criminal novel Bezkarni bandyci stolicy printed on the pages of daily newspaper Głos stolicy and the political struggle between Polska Partia Socjalistyczna and Polska Part...
The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...
EP ID EP52724
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How To Cite
Ewelina Twardoch (2014). When Man Becomes Machine. The Creation of ‘Symborgs’ in Pop Cultural Universes. Kultura Popularna, 4(38),
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Bezkarni bandyci stolicy – powieść kryminalna jako narzędzie partyjnej propagandy
The article presents the connection between the criminal novel Bezkarni bandyci stolicy printed on the pages of daily newspaper Głos stolicy and the political struggle between Polska Partia Socjalistyczna and Polska Part...
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The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...