The epidemiology of ankle fractures in old people is changing as
time passes on. The incidence of ankle fractures increases with
advancing age. The study conducted was among a rural population which comprised of 68 wom...
Pulmonary nocardiosis and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion (SIADH) is an interesting association that has
been rarely described in the literature. SIADH may be the initial sign
of central nervo...
Prospective study of ankle and foot fractures in elderly women
The epidemiology of ankle fractures in old people is changing as time passes on. The incidence of ankle fractures increases with advancing age. The study conducted was among a rural population which comprised of 68 wom...
Pulmonary nocardiosis with a rare association of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) in an immunocompetant male
Pulmonary nocardiosis and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is an interesting association that has been rarely described in the literature. SIADH may be the initial sign of central nervo...
Chronic inflammation: The enemy within
Diabetes mellitus the ‘Silent Killer’ of mankind: An overview on the eve of upcoming World Health Day!
Old staining methods: Dyeing a slow death