Wiesław Osiński, Antropomotorics (2nd Expanded Edition), University School of Physical Education, Poznań (Poland), 2003
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2004, Vol 14, Issue 28
Osiński’s “Antropomotoryka” (“Antropomotorics” 2tnd explanded edition) is the most complete synthesis of the human movement theory in Poland until now, theory defined as generating and integrated knowledge encompassing the whole of human motoricity with its complicated manifestations and determinants as well as connections and relationships. As a leading idea the author chooses the concept of health-related fitness that is a novelty in Poland. The volume includes almost four hundred pages, consists of nineteen chapters and numbers about 730 items of references enclosed – original journal articles, monographs, textbooks, conference proceedings etc. – written by recognized Polish and foreign scientists. Thus, persons especially interested in any of the presented problems have a chance to reach an indicated source and to broaden their knowledge. The reviewer is the opinion that Osiński’s “Antropomotoryka” (“Antropomotorics”) should be promoted not only as a cheap teaching aid. It would be an insult to the author. Quite a lot of professionals will surely also reach out for this valuable textbook. The reviewer expresses his enthusiastic opinion of the work but he hints that the layout standard of the next editions should match the high level of contents at last. However, all specialists should acquaint themselves promptly with “Antropomotoryka” without waiting for more colourful edition because it is just worth reading.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Kusy
Sprawozdanie z działalności Prezydium IASK w latach 2003-2005
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