Więzi informacyjne pododdziałów dowodzenia na stanowiskach dowodzenia poziomu taktycznego Wojsk Lądowych.
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2012, Vol 2012, Issue 2
The article features artillery 's major tasks, capabilities and ways of use in co-unterinsurgency operations (COIN). The most important tasks include the show of force, monitoring designated areas and fire counterattacks. The considerations are complemented by selected and most representative, according to the author, conclusions and experiences of the use of artillery in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. Artillery assets participating in the mentioned above operations, having substantial combat potential (fire power) at their disposal, prove to be effective tool of demonstrating the potential's presence in trouble spots. This demonstration is conducted not only through static operations (presence) but also through prevention marches, occupying positions with the possibility to achieve fast readiness to open fire. Conclusions and experience from operations show a signif icant role of special ammunition to reach intended effects through prevention (deterrence, discouragement and isolation) of enemy forces. Artillery reconnaissance assets, like visual reconnaissance performed with special finding range recce tools, radiolocation stations to detect and define coor-dinates of mobile targets, artillery reconnaissance radiolocation sets and mortars are widely applied in counterinsurgency operations. They contribute to gain the greatest advantage in given conditions of situational awareness leading to information advantage that is an essential component of general advantage. Fire counterattacks essentially mean fire response to insurgents' various weapons and ammunition used within so called reactive combat. However, due to unconventional tactics, i.e. methods and techniques used by enemy forces, pro-active operations gain more and more importance. They consist in forestalling enemy operations, through, among others, skilful coordination of artillery and mortars with combat group operations performing tasks in designated areas.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Marczyk
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