William Berkeley (1605-1677) as the governor of colonial Virginia

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue


In the article the author explores the most important stages in life and career of one of the best-known political figures in the early American history. William Berkeley spent about thirty four years in Virginia, more than any other colonial official of his rank. Because of his political allegiance he was deprived of the governorship during the Protectorate, but upon the Restoration he immediately regained his position. Berkley is noted for his active campaign of recruiting of the royalists to Virginia, he was instrumental both in formation Virginia gentry elite and general increase in the population of the colony. Besides, he was an active economist and had some success in his attempts to diversify the local economy. However, the population growth in combination with some other factors contributed to the escalating of political and economic tensions that eventually led to a social uprising and his downfall.

Authors and Affiliations

Pavel Vyacheslavovich Vostrikov


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Pavel Vyacheslavovich Vostrikov (2019). William Berkeley (1605-1677) as the governor of colonial Virginia. UNKNOWN, 2(), 1-1. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-596185