Winter savory (Satureja montana L., Lamiaceae) herb as a promising medicinal raw material for the development of antimicrobial and antioxidant medicines

Journal Title: Вісник фармації - Year 2019, Vol 98, Issue 2


The analysis of sources of scientific literature concerning phytochemical and pharmacological studies of non-officinal medicinal plants is important for the identification of new potential sources of antibacterial and antioxidant herbal products. In this regard, biologically active substances of Winter Savory (Satureja montana L.) are of significant interest. Aim. To analyze and generalize the data of scientific literature sources and the own experimental investigations regarding the component composition of the essential oil and the phenolic compound content of Winter Savory herb with the aim of its potential use for the development of herbal preparations with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Materials and methods. The objects of our research were national and foreign sources of scientific literature; the raw material and the tincture from Winter Savory herb. To solve the tasks of the research the search and experimental methods, and logical analysis of literary sources were used. Results and discussion. The results of the analysis of the Winter Savory essential oil and other Savory representatives are given. It has been determined that the essential oil of Winter Savory consists mainly of carvacrol (up 53.35 %), p-cymene (0.66-41.4 %), thymol (0.15-46 %), linalool (0.1-50.42 %), and other monoterpenoids, as well as sesquiterpenes and diterpenes. Based on the experimental studies conducted the authors have determined the presence of a special chemotype of Satureja montana grown on the experimental plots in the Kherson region, in its essential oil p-thymol prevails (about 81.79 %). This compound has not been previously stated in available scientific sources as the dominant component of the Winter Savory essential oil. According to the literature data, essential oils, in which such aromatic substances as carvacrol, eugenol or thymol dominate, have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Our own studies have shown a high content of polyphenols and flavonoids in the tincture obtained from the special “p-thymol” chemotype of Satureja montana. The high content of polyphenols indicates the potential antioxidant properties of water and water-ethanol extracts from the herb of this plant. Conclusions. Therefore, this medicinal plant raw material can be considered as a potential source of antimicrobial and antioxidant agents due to the prevalence of aromatic components in the essential oil, and among the phenolic compounds of the herb – substances with 3-4 hydroxyl groups in the molecule prevail. New “p-thymol” chemotype of Winter Savory has been analyzed. The studies conducted are the basis for the development of tinctures and herbal infusions, which in the future can be recommended as herbal medicines with the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. They can be used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity, skin, respiratory tract, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

N. I. Hudz, M. I. Shanaida, L. V. Svidenko, Ya. Šimková


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  • EP ID EP657481
  • DOI 10.24959/nphj.19.13
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How To Cite

N. I. Hudz, M. I. Shanaida, L. V. Svidenko, Ya. Šimková (2019). Winter savory (Satureja montana L., Lamiaceae) herb as a promising medicinal raw material for the development of antimicrobial and antioxidant medicines. Вісник фармації, 98(2), 4-10.