Wireless Induction Charging Of an Electric Propulsion System


The ultimate aim of this project is to develop an induction charging system for a quad copter which enables it to charge the batteries wirelessly. It does not involve any man power thus making the UAV fully autonomous. The little man power involved to recharge the electrical units of the UAVs has been removed and thus making these flying machines fully independent. This concept allows the UAVs working on routine missions to avoid manual interventions. This concept makes the UAV to locate and return to the base whenever the charge of the batteries gets low. The present project relates to a UAV that comprises an inductive charging device that utilizes the electromagnetic field emanated by overhead/utility power station, to charge the energy supplies. The UAV also includes a releasable latch for holding power station to allow for the perching of the UAV on power station during the charging process. The latch and the inductive charging device may be provided on a single device, a battery augmentation trap (BAT). The UAV may be perched in an upright orientation to allow for takeoff after the charging of energy supplies on the power station. The quad copter platform since it is capable of autonomously hovering in place and is capable of carrying a payload, such as the camera used to determine the location of the dock. A system was devised such that the quadcopter can correctly determine the location of a target ground station while hovering and then land when above the docking station. Only commercially available components and software were used so that the entire docking system is easily accessible to future researchers and UAV enthusiasts.

Authors and Affiliations

Punithavathi, M. Tech (Avionics)


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Punithavathi, M. Tech (Avionics) (2015). Wireless Induction Charging Of an Electric Propulsion System. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-19718