Władysław Machejek – partyjny literat
Journal Title: Komunizm: system - ludzie - dokumentacja - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 6
During the period of the Polish People’s Republic Władysław Machejek (1920– 1991) was the most controversial person in the literary circle of Kraków. Not only was he a writer, but also an active member of the Polish United Workers’ Party. He had an important role in the party’s structures in the region. This text is a description of Machejek, a controversial figure who provoked extreme emotions, and his influence on Komunizm 6 (2017) 251 www.komunizm.net.pl Sebastian Drabik Władysław Machejek – partyjny literat the party between 1950s and 1980s. Machejek also influenced the the Union of Polish Writers
Authors and Affiliations
Sebastian Drabik
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