The classic study of the German social anthropologist is discussed in the context of different trends in “masculinity studies”. The reviewer demonstrates that “male fantasies,” analysed by Theweleit, are not solely a his...
The presented review concerns Krzysztof Siwczyk’s latest book of poetry. Jasnopis, published under the imprint of a5 publisher in 2016, refers to the subject matter that the poet has dealt with so far; however, clothing...
The subject of the following review is the 2014 edition of collected articles and addresses of Philipe Lacoue-Labarthe entitled Typografie. A point of reference for his uniquely understood politicality and community (aud...
The subject of the following review is an over 250-page book by Dariusz Dybek entitled Anioł w piśmiennictwie polskim XVII i XVIII wieku (2012). Devoted to one subject and providing a thorough analysis of the subject mat...
„Wspólne kopanie”. Z Krzysztofem Siwczykiem rozmawiają Anna Kałuża i Grzegorz Jankowicz
Męskie fantazje – od freikorpsów do wszechpolaków
The classic study of the German social anthropologist is discussed in the context of different trends in “masculinity studies”. The reviewer demonstrates that “male fantasies,” analysed by Theweleit, are not solely a his...
Żeby było jasne
The presented review concerns Krzysztof Siwczyk’s latest book of poetry. Jasnopis, published under the imprint of a5 publisher in 2016, refers to the subject matter that the poet has dealt with so far; however, clothing...
Déjà dit, jamais vu
The subject of the following review is the 2014 edition of collected articles and addresses of Philipe Lacoue-Labarthe entitled Typografie. A point of reference for his uniquely understood politicality and community (aud...
Nowa książka o dawnych aniołach
The subject of the following review is an over 250-page book by Dariusz Dybek entitled Anioł w piśmiennictwie polskim XVII i XVIII wieku (2012). Devoted to one subject and providing a thorough analysis of the subject mat...