Włoskie złożenia nominalne typu V+N – problemy tłumaczenia na język polski
Journal Title: Forum Lingwistyczne - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
The focus of the article is on the structural and semantic analysis of Italian V+N compounds and on their translation into Polish. These structures indicate the agents, objects, containers, notions and phenomena. In Polish, they resemble the Italian formations in terms of structure and derivation or they show regularity in translation accoring to Polish derivational norms. The Polish equivalents manifest themselves as regular deverbal or denominal derivatives with a suffix or as periphrastic expressions. In the case of some new compounds of that type, created on the basis of linguistic competence and existing models, it is not always easy to find an equivalent, despite functional rules of word formation. Semantic restrictions and cultural differences are often the reason for their untranslatability.
Authors and Affiliations
Irena Putka
Śląskie antologie medialne. Głos po lekturze książek: Język w internecie. Antologia pod redakcją Małgorzaty Kity i Iwony Loewe (Katowice 2016, 242 s.) oraz Język w telewizji. Antologia pod redakcją Małgorzaty Kity i Iwony Loewe (Katowice 2016, 254 s.)
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