Women Family Physicians: A Career in Academic Family Medicine – an example from Turkey

Journal Title: Family Medicine & Primary Care Review - Year 2015, Vol 17, Issue 1


When the first universities opened in Europe in the 12th century, they were, with few exceptions, open for men only. It was not until the 19th century that most European countries opened their academic institutions to female students and female teachers. At present, women occupy approximately one third of the academic posts in Turkey. Medical field is the third preferred area for women in Turkey. It is supposed that 30% of all physicians and almost half of 100,000 academic personnel in Turkey are female. However, the percentage of women decreases as the rank increases. Of residents, 47% are women whereas 35% of assistant professors, 31.6% of associate professors and 27.4% of full professors is women. The first academic tenure in family medicine was in 1994. By 15 March 2012, there are 82 associate professors and 16 full professors in family medicine Of 82 associate professors, 46% (38) and of 16 full professors, 25% (4) are women. Changing the environment of academic medicine could enhance career satisfaction and success for both women and men. Medical schools should carefully examine their environment for gender equity in promotion and compensation. Educators have an obligation to medical students and residents to develop their knowledge and skills, including those related to career development, for effectively practicing medicine. Best possible care in family medicine requires gender competent professionals who understand the cultural, social and political determinants of health and can respond effectively to them.

Authors and Affiliations

Ilhami Unluoglu, Esra Saatci, Ersin Akpinar


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How To Cite

Ilhami Unluoglu, Esra Saatci, Ersin Akpinar (2015). Women Family Physicians: A Career in Academic Family Medicine – an example from Turkey. Family Medicine & Primary Care Review, 17(1), 48-53. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-132433