Wooden Architecture's role in maintaining eco sustainability

Journal Title: Journal of Architecture and Art - Year 2019, Vol 14, Issue 1


Wood played an important and vital role in the construction of buildings as a structural material in the design of structures, frames, coverings and finishes of buildings from outside and inside or structural foundations. These wooden structures included temples, religious shrines, huts and dwellings in hot , temperate and cold regions, depending on the availability of forest trees and as materials for rapid construction that can be dismantled and installed , The value of timber arises from its natural properties and specifications as a building material . Wood is characterized by a variety of properties in terms of density, specific gravity, size and operability. Wood has an important environmental role, as the availability of its resources enhances the opportunities for its investment in commercial activities. The research deals with the variety of applications of wood construction in various uses, externally and internally, and in different climates and structural structures of roofs, walls, floors and covers. Wood is renewable, recyclable and environmentally degradable without contaminants. This research is a presentation guide and a global tour of some of the world's national architecture, which can simply be described as the architecture of peoples, Designed and built by communities, families and individual builders. It is also a message that national architecture is an important global product of our time

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  • EP ID EP468049
  • DOI 10.12816/mjaf.2019.25808
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

(2019). Wooden Architecture's role in maintaining eco sustainability. Journal of Architecture and Art, 14(1), 632-658. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-468049