The article presents the impact of labor costs on the possibility of using alternative forms of employment. Flexible employment is often dictated by labor costs, which occupy a very important position in economic and soc...
The paper presents author’s view for significant reliable information security system documentation for information risk management. It presents an outline of activity assembled on information risk management. It explain...
Meandry ekonomii eksperymentalnej, czyli o potencjale i specyfice metody eksperymentu naukowego w naukach ekonomicznych - recenzja książki pod redakcją Michała Krawczyka pt. Ekonomia eksperymentalna
Seminarium naukowe Instytutu Organizacji i Zarządzania Wydziału Cybernetyki WAT przygotowane przez Zakład Inżynierii Zarządzania pt. Technologie teleinformatyczne we współczesnym zarządzaniu
Influence of labours cost on the employment status
The article presents the impact of labor costs on the possibility of using alternative forms of employment. Flexible employment is often dictated by labor costs, which occupy a very important position in economic and soc...
Wyzwania współczesnej teorii i praktyki zarządzania
About significant reliable information security system documentation for information risk management
The paper presents author’s view for significant reliable information security system documentation for information risk management. It presents an outline of activity assembled on information risk management. It explain...