Workplace Bullying Perceptions Among Health Sector Employees: A Research in a Private Hospital in Albania
Journal Title: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 1
Private hospitals have important role in health sector in Albania, but their productivity are controversial. It is known that workplace bullying has a decreasing effect on productivity and quality. So understanding its prevelance will contribute to solution. From this perspective, aim of this research in general is to draw attention to workplace bullying effect and its prevalence problem in health sector by the help of chosen private hospital example. And in particular, making proposals for the solution by researcing if bullying perceptions differs according to age, gender and working time. Research contributes Albanian literature that has too limited survey on the subject and this is the first research used a scale translated from Turkish original. Results showed that %10,5 of employees think that they are exposed to bullying. Most observed bullying behaviour is “to be followed excessively” which is a part of “Job oriented behaviours”. And it is found that there is not an important difference between male and females perceptions, while bullying perception increase in 23-26 age group and employees working 1-5 years in the current job.
Authors and Affiliations
Nizamettin DOĞAR
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