Workplace Violence against Female Workers
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 6
Women are concentrated in many of the high risk occupations, particularly as farmers, teachers, social workers, nurses and other health-care workers, as well as bank and shop workers. As women gain more opportunities for employment in occupations and positions, their exposure to violence is heightened. Internationally, workplace violence against female workers is recognized as a global serious concern. This article considers the analysis of the prevalence, sources, forms and female occupational groups at risk of Work Place Violence (WPV). Also, to study the impacts of workplace violence on the victim, the victim’s family and the work. Moreover, this article discusses preventive and control measures and strategies to stop WPV against female workers. Keywords: Workplace; violence; Female worker; Prevention, Control.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Mohamed El-Helaly
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