Worm Obstruction In Children: Has Anything Changed Post Deworming Compaigns. A Tertiary Care Study.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 1
A comprehensive and retrospective study was conducted at post graduate department of general surgery SKIMS Medical College, Bemina over a period of 5 years from February 2012 to March 2016 where about 70 patients (children) of acute small gut obstruction were studied. The aim of this study was to find and decode the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction in our population with emphasis on age, sex and regional distribution. While studying it was found that the leading cause of obstruction was due to Ascariasis (73%) followed by adhesion obstruction(11.4%).The most vulnerable age group was between 4 to 11 years with peak between 4to 7 years, and majority of patients were from rural background. Conservative treatment was effective in maximum number of patients (71%) and lesser number of patients (29%) needed surgery. Delayed reporting to hospital increased morbidity in worm obstruction patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Syeed Rayees Ahmad, Aijaz A Rather
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