Wpływ cech osobowościowych pilota (załogi) na projektowanie śmigłowców.
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 4
The article presents the idea of the influence of pilots’ (crew’s) personality features in designing helicopters on air safety and activities connected with appropriate use of helicopters. Moreover, the presented model correlating the helicopter’s life span with the pilots’ (crew’s) decision making process creates a very good factor to be taken into consideration during aviation design and quality management of processes. This factor should also be employed in order to create the knowledge of air and technical personnel during aircraft exploitation. Systems constructed according to this model help to select essential information and to analyse current situation concerning air tasks. The analysis of pilots’ (crew’s) responses allows swift and efficient planning of rational air and technical tasks in order to avoid an air crash, accident or incident.
Authors and Affiliations
Sławomir Augustyn
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