Wpływ glikokortykosteroidoterapii ogólnej i chirurgii wewnątrznosowej na zmysł węchu i smaku u chorych z polipami nosa
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Dżaman
Karolina Dżaman
Czy zabiegi endoskopowe stanowią przyszłość chirurgii szyi?
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The infl uence of endoscopic treatment of isolated, small infl ammatory lesions of sphenoid sinus on headache sensation
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Usefulness of laser arytenoidectomy and laterofixation in treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysis
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Cost effectiveness of a free forearm flap in reconstruction of the oral cavity and pharynx — the donor site complications
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Long-term results and cause of failure analysis in larynx cancer patients irradiated conventionally and with accelerated fractionation schedules in 1995 – 1998
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