Wpływ zanieczyszczeń paliwa na zużycie wybranych elementów układu Common Rail
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2014, Vol 172, Issue 5
The goal of the study was to evaluate the effects of the fuel quality on the wear of selected elements of the Common Rail system. The object of the study was the Fiat 1.3l Multijet engine with electromagnetic injection valves, with catalogue number 0 445 110 083. To operate the engine, low quality contaminated fuel was used. In order to assess the condition of the injection valves, they were taken apartand tested using the Bosch EPS 200A system. The study demonstrated that the fuel quality has a significant impact on the condition of the injection valves.
Authors and Affiliations
Sebastian Kowalek, Wawrzyniec Gołębiewski, Karol F. Abramek, Tomasz Osipowicz
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