The Orthodox trend in Polish culture has not been fully appreciated yet. Usually, when speaking about the Orthodox Church in Poland, we connect it with religious centers, first of all in Constantinople and then in Moscow...
The article tries to show Harasymowicz as a poet working under the influence of two
cultures. In his poetry relations of Polish and Ukrainian cultures are shown on the cultural and
historical background, which are even e...
Międzynarodowe sympozja w Zielonej Górze
Mikołaj Leskow i "zagadkowy człowiek" Artur Benni
Wpływ średniowiecznej kultury południowosłowiańskiej na wschodnią i zachodnią Słowiańszczyznę
The Orthodox trend in Polish culture has not been fully appreciated yet. Usually, when speaking about the Orthodox Church in Poland, we connect it with religious centers, first of all in Constantinople and then in Moscow...
Jerzy Harasymowicz - poeta pogranicza
The article tries to show Harasymowicz as a poet working under the influence of two cultures. In his poetry relations of Polish and Ukrainian cultures are shown on the cultural and historical background, which are even e...
Функциональная специфика лексическиx эксплификаторов модального значения возможности в языкe начального периодa формирования русской нации