Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflectio...
The presence of the ancient Greek culture as a source of ethics and aesthetics in the life of a contemporary European is norm. The European art, including literature, has drawn inspiration from Greece for so many centuri...
"Łańcuch śmierci. Czystka w Armii Czerwonej 1937-1939", Paweł Piotr Wieczorkiewicz, Warszawa 2001
Trudna sztuka dorastania a świat bohaterów Aleksandra Kuprina
Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflectio...
W duchu Puszkina : dyskusyjny klub literacki "Domek w Kołomnie" (Warszawa 1934-1936)
Fenomen w „martwym lustrze”. Poezja Josifa Brodskiego w kontekście ewolucji sztuki europejskiej
The presence of the ancient Greek culture as a source of ethics and aesthetics in the life of a contemporary European is norm. The European art, including literature, has drawn inspiration from Greece for so many centuri...
"Славянский мир и литература. Материалы международной конференции. Зеленоградск. 10-13 октября 2002 г.", ред. В. И. Грешных, Калининград 2003