Współczesne najemnictwo: działalność Executive Outcomes w Afryce
Journal Title: Doctrina. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue 13
Abstract: The subject of the following article is a debate about the actions of Execu-tive Outcomes’ activity in Africa. EO as a precursor to the contemporary, modern mercenary has wiped and consolidated its activities through certain patterns, un-derpinning the range of the Private Military Companies present in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots of the world. The article presented the activity of the EO in the African countries stricken by civil war and a failed coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea. Regions of engagement are not random but linked closely with the mining business, bringing huge proftis. The analysis of EO allowed presenting the beginnings of the modern mercenary allowing to advance a thesis that the war is increas-ingly becoming a business.
Authors and Affiliations
Damian Jasiński
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Współczesne najemnictwo: działalność Executive Outcomes w Afryce
Abstract: The subject of the following article is a debate about the actions of Execu-tive Outcomes’ activity in Africa. EO as a precursor to the contemporary, modern mercenary has wiped and consolidated its activities t...