Wspólnota semantyczno-leksykalna języków europejskich. O monografii: А.А. Кретов, О.М. Воевудская, И.А. Меркулова, В.Т. Титов, Единство Европы по данным лексики (Воронеж: Издательский дом ВГУ, 2016, ss. 413 [1])
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 0
This article outlines the original research concept developed and applied by the Voronezh researchers, which brought both quantitative and qualitative results to the field of linguistic comparative research. Their monograph is devoted to the macrotypological unity of the lexical semantics of the languages in Europe. In addition, semantic stratification of Russian and Polish lexis has been analyzed. Their research concept is now known as the “lexical-semantic macrotypological school of Voronezh.” Representatives of this school have created a new research field in theoretical linguistics – a lexical-semantic language macrotypology as a branch of linguistic typology. The monograph has been widely discussed and reviewed in Russia.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Wojan
"Między irredentą a kolaboracją. Postawy społeczeństwa polskiego wobec zaborców", pod red. Sławomira Kalembki i Norberta Kasparka, Olsztyn 1998
Роль этнокультурного компонента в семантике словa и текста при художественном переводе
Проза Масея Сяднёва
Między Wschodem a Zachodem. Polska Josifa Brodskiego
The article aims at a discussion of Iosip Brodsky’s literary, artistic as well as personal connections with Poland and Poles. The poet’s admiration for Polish language and especially his fascination with the literature o...
Dymitr i Maryna. Dramaturgiczne uzasadnienie wątku w sztukach rosyjskich XIX stulecia
The author analyses historical drama devoted to the period of confusion in the history of old Russia. Authors such as: A. Pushkin, A. Chomiakov or A. Ostrovsky also turned their attention to the relationship of the False...