The aim of this article is to identify characteristicsof presentation of artificial intelligence inthe films Ex Machina (2015) and Uncanny (2015),and the analysis of ideas about possible romanticrelationships between hum...
The fusion of art and science doesn’t need to beconfusing for viewers. It shouldn’t be too easy either.Installations created by PrzemysławJasielskipropose an experimental intervention into realityusing nonsense technolog...
Dziewietnastowieczny park miejski w Kaliszu. Historia, władza i komercja w przestrzeni kultury popularnej
Trzy dekady badań kompetencji informacyjnych ludności
Świadectwo afektu. Spotkania ludzi i sztucznej inteligencji w filmach Ex machina i Uncanny
The aim of this article is to identify characteristicsof presentation of artificial intelligence inthe films Ex Machina (2015) and Uncanny (2015),and the analysis of ideas about possible romanticrelationships between hum...
Technostalgia, kontrola i ironia. Nonsense technologies w sztuce Przemysława Jasielskiego
The fusion of art and science doesn’t need to beconfusing for viewers. It shouldn’t be too easy either.Installations created by PrzemysławJasielskipropose an experimental intervention into realityusing nonsense technolog...
Zwrot historyczny. Wstęp