Współpraca parlamentów narodowych z Parlamentem Europejskim w zakresie tworzenia prawa
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2019, Vol 151, Issue 2
The article presents relations between parliaments of the European Union Member States (Poland, France, Sweden) and the European Parliament, from the perspective of the few years that had passed since the Treaty of Lisbon went into fore. The aim is to assess effectiveness of the legal norms laid down by the Treaty of Lisbon as regards regulations concerning national parliaments. Different manners of regulating the matter in question by individual states may have an impact on the sphere of trans-institutional activity (number of reasoned opinions, intensity of political dialogue etc.). Moreover, regulating cooperation between the national parliament and the European Parliament by the higher-ranking law may confer special legal value on those prerogatives of the parliament. Acknowledging these differences may initiate further analysis on expanding the EU law as regards national parliaments and their relations with European Parliament.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Czarski
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