Współuczestnictwo procesowe współwłaścicieli w sprawach o uzgodnienie treści księgi wieczystej z rzeczywistym stanem prawnym (art. 10 u.k.w.h.)
Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2018, Vol 75, Issue
In the article, the author discusses the debatable issue of procedural joint participation in matters concerning the reconciliation of the contents of the land and mortgage register with the actual state and legal status. He points to a discrepancy in jurisprudence and doctrine. In particular, the author considers whether the so-called necessary joint participation takes place here. In his analysis, the author uses the concept of joint participation in declaratory actions created by Professor Maria Jędrzejewska. The practical implications of adopting this concept were also discussed.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Rylski
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