RECENZJA KSIĄŻKI: Beata Szymańska, Złota godzina, „Krakowska Biblioteka Stowarzyszenia Pisarzy Polskich”, red. G. Matuszek, W. Ligęza, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2013.
The aim of this paper is to examine the validity and utility of the category of artistic thinking through applying it to the description of an aesthetic situation as given by Roman Ingarden. The authors are referring to...
Before we think about reality, before we talk about it or remain silent, first we have some of the most basic images. What do philosophers brought up in the given culture have in mind when they use the term ‘reality’? In...
RECENZJA KSIĄŻKI: Beata Szymańska, Złota godzina, „Krakowska Biblioteka Stowarzyszenia Pisarzy Polskich”, red. G. Matuszek, W. Ligęza, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2013.
The Category of Artistic Thinking and the Conception of Roman Ingarden’s Aesthetic Situation
The aim of this paper is to examine the validity and utility of the category of artistic thinking through applying it to the description of an aesthetic situation as given by Roman Ingarden. The authors are referring to...
The Image of the World in the Yijing 易经 – an Attempt to Identify the Intellectual Context Proper to Chinese Philosophy
Before we think about reality, before we talk about it or remain silent, first we have some of the most basic images. What do philosophers brought up in the given culture have in mind when they use the term ‘reality’? In...
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Introduction: Homo Sovieticus and the Evolution of a Socio-Philosophical Approach to Witkacy
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