Wstępna ocena możliwości wykorzystania odpadów szklanych pochodzących z wyeksploatowanych świetlówek jako kruszywa do betonów cementowych
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2018, Vol 220, Issue 6
The paper presents preliminary analyzes of the possibilities of using glass waste from extruded fluorescent lamps as aggregates for cement concretes. The research material was obtained from a company that utilizes electrical waste. Glass from pre-sorted lighting elements was transported to the laboratory and crushed in a steel mortar. In this way, the aggregate obtained was subjected to the basic tests that are carried out for aggregates traditionally used in construction. The specific density of aggregate, bulk density, absorbability, grain shape and texture type were examined. In the next stage of research work, a concrete mix was made, in which, as a substitute for 25% gravel aggregate, crushed aggregate from crushed fluorescent lamps was used. The compressive and tensile strength of the concrete thus formed was tested. Analysis of the test results showed that broken glass from worn out fluorescent lamps can potentially be used as an aggregate for cement concrete.
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Zegardło, Tomasz Drzymała, Jerzy Nitychoruk, Beata Jaworska
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