Wybrane zagadnienia problemowe pojawiające się na tle przepisów Kodeksu cywilnego regulujących nabycie prawa własności (art. 169 i 174 k.c.) w związku z wprowadzeniem regulacji dotyczących krajowego rejestru utraconych dóbr kultury
Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2017, Vol 70, Issue
This article concerns selected changes, that have arisen for civil ways to purchase property from the introduction in 2015 – by amending the law on the protection of monuments and care of monuments – a new institution in the form of a national register of lost cultural property. At the same time by introducing changes to the Polish Civil Code there have been introduced the relationships between entering thing in such a register and some regulated by the Polish Civil Code ways to acquire ownership of movable property, generally excluding the possibility of acquiring ownership of things entered into this register. The article analyzes these issues against the background of art. 169 and 174 of the Polish Civil Code (this is in the context of the acquisition of movable from an unauthorized person, and by prescription), and considers the civil effects of deleting things from the aforementioned register, depending on the cause of this deletion.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Kużmicka-Sulikowska
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