Wykorzystanie wielosektorowych modeli makroekonomicznych w modelowaniu krajowych systemów energetycznych / The Use of Multisectoral Macroeconomic Models in National Energy Systems Modelling
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
Energy models are an important research tool for socio-economic development, especially in the context of the energy security, natural resources depletion and the climate policy. The purpose of this paper is to identify desirable features of these models and, on this background, to point the properties of multisectoral energy models, which determinate their suitability of energy models construction. In the article we are presenting the energy system as a separated part of economic processes, what is mirrored in the energy models, in the form of an energy and economic block separation. The analysis of the classifications, known from the literature, leads to a conclusion, that the role of the economic blocks is usually – but wrongly – marginalized. High degree of detail, which characterizes the energy models, should encourage to construct the economic block with an application of multisectoral approach, with the highest level of disaggregation – this has a positive effect on the quality of blocks integration. We emphasize the role of multisectoral macroeconomic models in that context by analyzing their basic properties and presenting the example form of energy demand equations, whose results can directly power the energy block.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariusz Plich, Jurand Skrzypek
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