Wyniki leczenia chorych na raka zatok obocznych nosa. Analiza czynników prognostycznych
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 1
Analysis was based on the results of successful and unsuccessful treatment of 137 patients with paranasal sinus cancer at the Oncology Centre in Warsaw between 1987–2002. Patients with clinical stages T3 and T4 constituted 87% of cases (110 patients). Radical treatment was performed on 84 patients. Five-year overall survival in 137 cases amounted to 27%; and survival without recurrence was 24%. Five-year overall and recurrence-free survial among patients treated with surgery and radiotherapy were 36% and 32% retrospectively. Multivariate analysis of 61 patients with complete data, who were treated with radical surgery and radiotherapy, emphasized the influence of prognostic factors on survival. A worse prognosis correlated with advanced locoregional T and N stage. It is evident that total dose greater than 6000 cGy had a clear impact on the results of treatment. It was also shown that planning with the manually and hand-measured isodoses impacted negatively on the survival in comparison with 2D and 3D planning. Analysis of recurrence-free survival showed that metastatis to the lymph nodes, and a manually-planned treatment method, had a negative impact on the results of treatment. It is asserted that local recurrences are the main cause of failure in cases treated with surgery and radiotherapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Szutkowski, Andrzej Kawecki, Ewa Wasilewska-Teśluk
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