The notion of affordance has been introduced by Gibson (1977, 1979) as the feature of an object or the environment that allows the observer to perform an action, a set of “environmental supports for an organism’s intenti...
Studies on music in the area of cognitive sciences – quite varied despite their short history – meet with scepticism. The author of this introduction, presenting some spectacular examples of research on musical improvisa...
W celu zbadania problematyki myślenia „cielesnego” – wykorzystania ciała jako narzędzia poznania – zebraliśmy obszerny materiał wideo oraz dane z wywiadów dotyczących procesu twórczego, podczas którego choreograf wraz ze...
EP ID EP156185
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Witold Wachowski (2011). Wypić albo przepłynąć. Recenzja książki. AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej, 0(0),
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The notion of affordance has been introduced by Gibson (1977, 1979) as the feature of an object or the environment that allows the observer to perform an action, a set of “environmental supports for an organism’s intenti...
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