The subject of religious toponymy of the investigated period was shown on the example of appellatives, Orthodox church names and most frequent Christian names. Terminology connected with Catholic Church and Orthodox Chur...
The article shows on the basis of his three collections of poetry the firm profound relationship of the Belorussian poet with the Polish culture, and simultaneously the fervent opposition of the poetical word to the Poli...
The article concerns theoretical premises leading to the development of a comprehensive Rus-sian pronunciation course for foreigners. The author of Fonetyka rosyjska. Praktyczny przewodnik po wymowie i intonacji z ćwicze...
The paper is the attempt to compare the text of Daniil Kharms Yelisaveta Bam and her free theatrical production made in Rozrywka Theatre by Łukasz Czaja. The author considers similarities of the text and scenography, ref...
Jan Wawrzyńczyk (1997). Wyrazy i zwroty związane z życiem religijnym w „wielkiej” leksykografii rosyjsko-polskiej. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Leksyka religijna w nazewnictwie miejscowym woj. kijowskiego i czernihowskiego w XVII i XVIII wieku
The subject of religious toponymy of the investigated period was shown on the example of appellatives, Orthodox church names and most frequent Christian names. Terminology connected with Catholic Church and Orthodox Chur...
Польскiя аспекты ранняй творчасцi Maкcima Танка
The article shows on the basis of his three collections of poetry the firm profound relationship of the Belorussian poet with the Polish culture, and simultaneously the fervent opposition of the poetical word to the Poli...
К вопросу о составлении учебного пособия по фонетике для польских студентов-русистов
The article concerns theoretical premises leading to the development of a comprehensive Rus-sian pronunciation course for foreigners. The author of Fonetyka rosyjska. Praktyczny przewodnik po wymowie i intonacji z ćwicze...
Rosja w polskim filmie dokumentalnym na przykładzie projektu Rosja-Polska. Nowe spojrzenie
The paper is the attempt to compare the text of Daniil Kharms Yelisaveta Bam and her free theatrical production made in Rozrywka Theatre by Łukasz Czaja. The author considers similarities of the text and scenography, ref...
Версии "польского мира"