Wystawy sztuki kobiet 1991-2001: od esencjonalizmu do konstruktywizmu
Journal Title: Sztuka i Dokumentacja - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 15
Women’s art exhibitions 1991–2001: from essentialism to constructivism The meanings of “women’s art” are, among others, defined by the exhibitions of this art. In the text I analyze the period after the change of the system when these kinds of expositions became quite popular. The first exhibition after 1989, the most symbolic one, was the exhibition Artystki Polskie (Polish Women Artists) organized in 1991 in the National Museum in Warsaw. It, in some measure, opened the discourse of Polish feminist art history. The last exhibition analyzed is the exhibition Maskarady (Masquerades) organized in 2001 as a part of the festival with a meaningful title Ostatnia kobieta (The last woman). I examine the discourse that accompanied those exhibitions, but, in particular, the declarations of women curators who wondered about the critical meaning of those exhibitions as well as the relationship between exhibitions and feminist history of art. I am also interested in the differences in the artists’ attitudes compared with those of curators and critics towards the issue of women’s art and about the whole spectrum of attitudes and opinions evolving from essentialism to constructivism. According to the first approach “femininity” is tackled as a constant value, thoroughly distinct from “masculinity”, influencing a defined sensitivity of women’s art, whereas, in the latter approach this sensitivity, as well as “femininity” itself appears to be influenced by cultural structures. I advance the thesis that the first exhibitions organized after 1989 enter, first of all, into a paradigm of essentialism while the ones dated around 2000 reveal more critical thinking and are set on the analysis of the constructions of femininity and masculinity.
Authors and Affiliations
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