Występowanie błonkówek z rodzaju Scolia (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae) na Opolszczyźnie
Journal Title: Fragmenta Naturae - Year 2017, Vol 50, Issue
Scolia wasps are small hymenopterans belonging to the family Scoliidae. Only 13 species have been recorded from Europe and only two – S. hirta and S. sexmaculata from Poland. The paper presents faunistic data for both species from Opole province (South Poland), as well as information about their biology, ecology and general distribution. Colour photographs of the adults in nature are also provided.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Biwo
Contribution to the moss flora of the Magura National Park (Western Carpathians, Poland)
The paper provides new distributional data for 15 species, 1 variety of mosses new to the Magura National Park, and 40 species rare in the area.
Contribution to the bryoflora of the Rożnowskie Foothills (West Carpathians, Poland)
Distributional data for species of 1 hornwort, 17 species of liverworts and 82 species and 1 variety of mosses from the Rożnowskie Foothills, including 30 protected and 7 threatened species, is provided.
Seasonal variation in antioxidant activity of selected mosses from Poland
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Pocota personata is a rare hover fly, known only from a several localities in Poland, classified under the VU category in the Polish Red Data Book of Animals and the Red List of Threatened Animals in Poland. This note pre...
Notatki briologiczne z okolic Rzyk (Beskid Mały, Karpaty Zachodnie)
New data for 24 species of mosses from the Beskid Mały range are reported. Two species, namely Diobelonella palustris and Ditrichum lineare, are new to this area.