The myxomycete biota of two forest complexes in the Polish Carpathian Mts. in the vicinity of Wyrchczadeczka in the Beskid Śląski Mts and the Żłobina Couloir in the Pieniny National Park was investigated. The preservatio...
Paper presents the economic conditions in the villages of Beniowa and Bukowiec, according to a unique document, drawn up for these estates in 1897. The document was prepared by a appraiser for a potential acquirer and de...
EP ID EP124695
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How To Cite
Stanisław Pagacz, Julia Witczuk (2010). Występowanie wydry Lutra lutra na obszarze Natura 2000 Bieszczady. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 18(1),
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Materiały do flory mchów torfowisk i młak Bieszczadów Zachodnich (polskie Karpaty Wschodnie)
Dead wood as microhabitat for myxomycetes in selected forest communities in the Polish Carpathian Mts.
The myxomycete biota of two forest complexes in the Polish Carpathian Mts. in the vicinity of Wyrchczadeczka in the Beskid Śląski Mts and the Żłobina Couloir in the Pieniny National Park was investigated. The preservatio...
Wielkość opadu i tempo rozkładu ściółki w wybranych drzewostanach Bieszczadów
Roślinność i pokrywa glebowa w obrębie tras zjazdowych na Bukovelu (Gorgany, Karpaty Wschodnie, Ukraina)
Economic relations in the villages Beniowa and Bukowiec in the late nineteenth century, in the opinion of an anonymous expert
Paper presents the economic conditions in the villages of Beniowa and Bukowiec, according to a unique document, drawn up for these estates in 1897. The document was prepared by a appraiser for a potential acquirer and de...