YouTube content removal criteria – analysis of the removal of an article “Is it worth beating men?”

Journal Title: Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 18


The subject of the article is a set of criteria for removing content from the YouTube portal. The main goal of the publication is to analyze the Polish version of “The Community guidelines,” that is a collection of rules for the YouTube users. The guidelines indicate which specific audiovisual materials would be deleted from You-Tube. Furthermore, the paper presents one example of a blocked satirical film entitled “Czy warto bić mężczyzn? [Is it worth beating men?]” broadcast on YouTube by the au-thors of the Polish program “Przy Kawie o Sprawie” (Let’s talk over a cup of coffee).

Authors and Affiliations

Denis Halagiera


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  • EP ID EP565907
  • DOI 10.14746/r.2018.2.7
  • Views 45
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How To Cite

Denis Halagiera (2018). YouTube content removal criteria – analysis of the removal of an article “Is it worth beating men?”. Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM, 2(18), 93-114.