Yunanlı Şeyh’e Göre Bir, Akıl ve Nefs
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 33
Plotinus, known as the founder of the Neoplatonism in general philosophy is recognized with the name of ‘Greek Sage’ in the beginning of the translation movement. It is a known fact that Esulucia (Theologia) which is the bases of theory of emanation and refers to Aristotle, was translated into Arabic under the commission presidency of Kindi although we do not have information as to Enneadlar belonging to Plotinus was entirely translated into Arabic at the very first stages of translation movement. It is very possible to see the reflections of Plotinus’ ideas and thoughts in Esulucia which is not belong to Aristotle but has neoplatonic components in terms of its content. Abdurrahman Bedevi in his work Eflûtin inde’l Arab (Plotinus among Arabs) gives place to not only Esulucia but also Sayings of the Greek Sage (Nusûsun Müteferrikatün li Eflûtin) and Selections From Sivanü’l Hikme (Müntehabün min Sıvanü’l Hikme) which are composed of words of Greek Sage and belong to Plotinus. This article addresses these two texts in terms of One, Intellect and Soul.
Authors and Affiliations
Mehmet Murat Karakaya
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