The article discusses the issue of development of views on an atomic bomb and a nuclear
war created by scientists, politicians, military commanders, as well as civilian strategists,
starting from the vision of an atomic...
Franz Kafka was a writer interested in the European intellectual vision of the East.
As an intellectual of the German cultural circles he was familiar with contemporary types
of reception of the Orient (literary, philoso...
Wojna w erze nuklearnej. Rozważania cywilów i wojskowych na temat bomby atomowej i skutków jej użycia
The article discusses the issue of development of views on an atomic bomb and a nuclear war created by scientists, politicians, military commanders, as well as civilian strategists, starting from the vision of an atomic...
Semantyka „rasy” w kulturze polskiej – wprowadzenie
Wiadomość ze Wschodu. Motywy orientalne w twórczości Franza Kafki
Franz Kafka was a writer interested in the European intellectual vision of the East. As an intellectual of the German cultural circles he was familiar with contemporary types of reception of the Orient (literary, philoso...
Around 1918: Central and Eastern European Polyphony/ Cacophony
Etyka newsów