Za pan brat ze ślimakiem. O pewnym zwierzęcym motywie w poezji Ryszarda Krynickiego

Journal Title: Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1


Brotherhood with the Snail. About a Certain Animal Motif in the Poetry of Ryszard Krynicki A poetic interest in animals is one result of Ryszard Krynicki’s being inspired by Japanese haiku, which he combines with the distinctive meanings of Western culture. Buddhist tradition allows him to see an animal as a representative of the universe in common with humans, and as a real existencein-itself. In his poems the Eastern sensitivity and way of thinking become an opportunity to revise humanity’s imaging of nature. Paradoxically, therefore, what is spiritual allows Krynicki to experience an empirical encounter with the animal and show the conditions for the questioning of the anthropocentric paradigm.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Filipowicz


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How To Cite

Anna Filipowicz (2015). Za pan brat ze ślimakiem. O pewnym zwierzęcym motywie w poezji Ryszarda Krynickiego. Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies, 1(1), 207-226.