Забезпечення єдності судової практики під час кваліфікації дій винних осіб за частинами 1 та 3 статті 197-1 Кримінального кодексу України
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 3
Статтю присвячено встановленню співвідношення ознак складів злочинів, передбачених частинами першою та третьою статті 197-1 Кримінального кодексу України. У процесі аналізу юридичної літератури та правозастосовної практики відстоюється позиція відповідно до якої в частині третій цієї статті закріплено самостійний склад злочину, а не кваліфікуюча ознака складу злочину, передбаченого частиною першою статті 197-1 Кримінального кодексу України. The article is devoted to establishing the ratio between the features of the syllables of crimes provided for in parts one and three of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. b It was established that according to some scholars, from the objective side of the crime, provided for in part one of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, involves the unauthorized occupation of a land plot, and the crime, provided for in part 3 of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, - in the arbitrary construction of buildings or structures on a self-employed land plot. On the other hand, other scholars believe that in part three of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, not an independent crime, but a qualifying attribute of the crime stipulated in part one of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, was fixed. The lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the features of the disposition of part three of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine also takes place in the enforcement activities of pre-trial investigation bodies and courts. In the process of the analysis of legal literature and law enforcement practice, the position is held that according to the third part of this article, an independent composition of the crime is assigned, and not a qualifying attribute of the crime envisaged by part one of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In order to eliminate any discrepancies in the interpretation of part three of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and to correct the unsuccessful design of the disposition of this part, it is proposed to make appropriate changes to it, which would clearly indicate that the part of the crime provided for in this part is a formal one. For this purpose, it is proposed from the disposition of part three of Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to delete the words "specified in part one of this article". It is also emphasized that the prolonged existence of this problem and not its solution through legislative changes indicates that it can be solved more quickly in the criminal procedure. This implies that the Cassation Criminal Court, as part of the Supreme Court, has the right to formulate in its decision a conclusion on the application of the rule of law in such legal relationships. However, in order to resolve the problem in question in this way, it is necessary that the relevant criminal proceedings be submitted to the Cassation Criminal Court as part of the Supreme Court.
Authors and Affiliations
Геннадій Михайлович Зеленов
Поняття та види незаконного обігу зброї
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