Zagadnienie „ojczyzny w niebie” w Liście św. Pawła do Filipian i w pismach św. Elżbiety od Trójcy Świętej
Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2018, Vol 33, Issue
The article is a study of the theme of ‘heavenly homeland’ in St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians 3:20 and in the writings of the French Carmelite St. Elisabeth of the Holy Trinity (1880–1906). The first part is an exegesis of Phil 3:20. It consists of a description of the community in Philippi at the time when the Letter to the Philippians was written; suggestion of a translation of Phil 3:17–21 into Polish; general presentation of the context Phil 3:20 and discussion of the meaning of the lexeme politeuma. The second part presents eight writings of Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity (Letters 237; 241; 246; 249; 252; 258; 339; Spiritual Notes [originally Notes intimes] 16), in which she made reference to the thought included in Phil 3:20. The mystic from Dijon, a faithful and eager pupil of Paul the Apostle drew profusely from his inspired thoughts not only for herself but also shared them with others, as evidenced by several references to Phil 3:20 in her writings. Her aim was to strengthen those closest to her (and herself) in following here on Earth the way which would be their common way in eternity.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Wilk
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