Загальні фактори етнорелігійного тероризму
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2017, Vol 66, Issue 3
Розглянуто загальні фактори етнорелігійного тероризму. Акцентовано увагу на їх соціальній обумовленості та взаємозв’язку. Підсумовано значущість досліджуваних факторів у поясненні феноменологічно складної природи етнорелігійного тероризму та несприятливих тенденціях його відтворення. Рассмотрены общие факторы этнорелигиозного терроризма. Акцентировано внимание на их социальной обусловленности и взаимосвязи. Подведён итог о значимости исследуемых факторов в объяснении феноменологически сложной природы этнорелигиозного терроризма и неблагоприятных тенденциях его воспроизведения. The need for a deep scientific and practical study of general factors of ethno-religious terrorism to outline its complex phenomenological nature, unfavorable tendencies in reproduction and controlled use in geopolitical and other spheres of public life is beyond doubt. Herewith, the determination of ethno-religious terrorism, as well as other types of terrorism, is one of the most complex problems of modern criminology. It has been noted that recently a systematic approach to this complex problem and the complex nature of its study can be traced in the legal literature, and although there is no single theory of the causes of crime in the science, but there is no doubt that there are some phenomena that have a factor nature and are in cause and effect relationship with criminality. As the basic concept for describing the system of factors of ethno-religious terrorism, the author has chosen the principle of the division of all determinants of crime into general and specific factors. The basis for the spread of ethno-religious terrorism is stable crisis phenomena in the economic, social and political spheres, deep economic and social contradictions, political instability, the actual split in civil society, the lack of cohesiveness and the monolithicity in society that accompany transitional periods in its development in the whole and are characteristics for the modern stage of the development of our society. Social contradictions inherent in modern reality became very negative factors. The are: 1) contradictions caused by the split of society into groups with different economic situations; 2) contradictions caused by the deepening of national, religious disputes, confrontation of regional elites and other conflicts; 3) contradictions caused by the destruction of the system of social guarantees of life of the population. The author of the article has concluded that it is necessary to take into account the stated factors while developing a system of counteraction measures.
Authors and Affiliations
O. O. Stepanchenko
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