
У статті проаналізовані виявлені ризики для економічної безпеки урбанізованих територій, які створюють наявні проблеми у функціонуванні міської інфраструктури в Україні. Проаналізовані проблеми житлово-комунальної інфраструктури, серед яких виділено високу енергоємність експлуатації житла, погіршення технічного стану інженерного обладнання, конструктивних елементів будівель, наявність ветхого та аварійного житла, відсутність належного благоустрою в квартирах. Окреслені ризики еколого-техногенної інфраструктури, що пов’язані із дестабілізацією функціонування систем водопостачання і водовідведення, збиранням та утилізацією твердих побутових відходів. Ризики дорожньо-транспортної інфраструктури охарактеризовані в таких аспектах, як низька якість дорожнього покриття, недостатня розвиненість дорожньої мережі та її пропускної спроможності. The rapid development of urbanization processes in the world creates preconditions for the transformation of cities in terms of economic growth and competitiveness. Moreover urban areas are often centers of concentration of significant social and economic problems that create obstacles for safe human development. The growth of population in urban areas leads to the emergence of new needs in goods and services, infrastructure, employment, and therefore creates new risks and threats to the economic security of cities. The article aims to identify the main risks and problems in the functioning of the existing urban infrastructure in Ukraine. As far as a highly developed infrastructure is essential for the effective functioning of the economy, quality of infrastructure is considered when assessing the level of competitiveness, economic security of states, regions and cities. The relationship between the quality of infrastructure of cities and their economic security is studied in article. The fast growth of urban areas has prompted a sharp increase in housing demand and prices, worsening the housing affordability situation in the country. Declining urban areas, on the other hand, are not attractive and do not generate jobs, thus triggering emigration and demographic changes. Key problems of housing and communal infrastructure are due to high energy performance of houses, degradation of the engineering equipment and structural elements of buildings, the presence of dilapidated and emergency housing, lack of adequate sanitary equipment in the apartments. Risks of ecological and technological infrastructure relate to the destabilization of the operation of water supply and sanitation, collection and disposal of solid waste. Risks of road infrastructure causes low quality of road surface, lack of development and capacity of the road network, lack of parking, frequent traffic congestions, problems with public transport. The current state of urban transport infrastructure requires the introduction of qualitative changes related to increasing road safety, the development of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, improvement of passenger transportation services. Modern urbanization poses challenges for urban infrastructure, including in Ukraine. This challenge is not just about the quantity of population, but also its composition. Cities are changing rapidly, especially in terms of both the scale and rate of demographic, social and economic transformation. This pattern of growth will also place additional strains on environmental resources needed for cities, such as clean water and clean air. Growing demand for infrastructure services places immediate pressures on natural resources. Environmental studies show that cities have important impacts upon the natural environments in which they are located, what is known as their ‘ecological footprint’. More urbanized regions of Ukraine have higher level of infrastructure development. The most threatening risks are in housing, road infrastructure, ecological and technological infrastructure.

Authors and Affiliations

V Zasadko


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How To Cite

V Zasadko (2016). ЗАГРОЗИ І РИЗИКИ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ТА ЇХ ВПЛИВ НА ГАРАНТУВАННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ МІСТ УКРАЇНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 6(11), 30-41. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-425979