Założenia zmian w regulacji prawnej w dziedzinie funkcjonowania Komisji ds. Unii Europejskiej – materiał analityczny
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 49, Issue 1
This paper deals with the regulation which specifies the rules in which the Sejm affects the policies of the European Union. It examines the assumptions for change in respect of the Act of 8 October 2010 on Cooperation of the Council of Ministers with the Sejm and the Senate in Matters Related to the Republic of Poland’s Membership in the European Union, as well as the Standing Orders of the Sejm. The proposed changes relate primarily to the socalled a general mechanism of cooperation in the field of EU law making between the Council of Ministers and the Sejm and the Senate. It is assumed that general principles relating to the so-called political dialogue and the carrying out by the Sejm of notification duties will be introduced by the Cooperation Act. The proposed amendment to the Standing Orders of the Sejm deals with participation by the branch committees in consideration of documents that are sent to the Sejm by the EU institutions, as well as the participation of the Sejm operating at plenary sitting in activities related to Poland’s membership in the EU.
Authors and Affiliations
Ziemowit Cieślik
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