Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 17
У статті аналізується природа «заморожених» конфліктів, причини їх виникнення та складнощі їхнього врегулювання. Розкривається місце та роль «заморожених» конфліктів в геополітичному просторі та наслідки які вони можуть мати, як для регіональної, так і для глобальної системи безпеки. А також зроблено спробу виявити інтереси провідних держав світу в зонах «замороженого» протистояння. The article analyzes the nature of "frozen" conflicts, their causes and difficulties of their resolution. It reveals the place and role of "frozen" conflicts in the geopolitical environment, and the effects they may have, both for regional and global security system. It is stated that at the beginning of the 21– st century one of the most global problems of humanity is the issue of establishing of international peace and security. After all, today according to various estimates, there are about forty hotspots all over the world. Thus the number of victims among the civilian population and the military is constantly increasing as a result of armed conflict. The main focus of the article is given to the "frozen" conflicts, which moved from the stage of acute confrontation to the stage of intense, so-called "smoldering" conflicts. However, in practice, political or military lull often appears misleading. The article also attempts to identify the interests of the leading countries of the world in the zones of "frozen" conflict. Analyzing the causes of "frozen" conflicts and the complexity of their settlement indicates that their presence is beneficial for leading geopolitical players that with the help of these territories are trying to strengthen their sphere of influence in a given region. A vivid indication of this is the post-Soviet space and the politics of the Russian Federation. In order to maintain its sphere of influence in the region, it has resorted to the "conservation" of conflicts, thus destroying all aspects of the international order, and undermining security and stability in the world. The article points out that today the whole democratic and civilized world community should make every effort to stop and resolve all the armed conflicts. After all, as John Kennedy once said "humanity has put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind".
Authors and Affiliations
I. Zelmanovych
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