Zapach nostalgii. Powrót do dzieciństwa w instalacjach Justyny Gruszczyk oraz Angeliki Markul
Journal Title: Anthropos? - Year 2017, Vol 26, Issue 26
The famous "Proust effect" refers to memories which are evoked in a presence of smell and taste. Researches claim that those memories have exceptional qualities, they are saturated with emotions and they are remarkably lasting. The article analyzes chosen art installations created by Justyna Gruszczyk and Angelika Markul to find out how artists use the sense of smell as a 'vehicle' which allows to travel back in time. The smells connected with food evoke childhood memories. Article also addresses the features of those memories, which exceed the boundaries of individual experience as they refer to collective, or even generational experiences.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Stronciwilk
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