Zarządzanie polskim sportem w latach 1944-1948. Studium problemu

Journal Title: Komunizm: system - ludzie - dokumentacja - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 4


In the early years of Communist rule in Poland sport was not crucial for the emerging communist government. Legal reformation of that significant to an average citizen issue was not in the area of interest of either Polish Workers' Party, or of Polish Socialist Party. It was only after the latter party started to prevail that a breakthrough was finally made. Political wrangling of two parties' leaders - manifested in gross negligence and lack of consistency in action - caused further deterioration of the situation. Appointment of successive temporary posts, whose responsibilities - though seemingly clear - were not fulfilled, caused new problems. It would seem that the overriding goal of the authorities (apart from internal struggle) was to please the Soviet Union at all costs. Due to that, the situation of sport in Poland was not improved until 1948, despite several attempts.

Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Markiewicz


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How To Cite

Paweł Markiewicz (2015). Zarządzanie polskim sportem w latach 1944-1948. Studium problemu. Komunizm: system - ludzie - dokumentacja, 0(4), 87-101.