Засоби конкретизації норм права

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2018, Vol 49, Issue 1


Проаналізовано наукові підходи до визначення сутності та сфер використання юридичної конкретизації. Сформу-льовано авторську дефініцію конкретизації норм права. Систематизовано засоби конкретизації норм права відповідно до основних правових форм діяльності держави. Проанализированы научные подходы к определению сущности и сфер использования юридической конкретизации. Сформулирована авторская дефиниция конкретизации норм права. Систематизированы средства конкретизации норм права в соответствии с основными правовыми формами деятельности государства. Concretization the rules of law is an important factor in improving the quality of legal regulation, ensuring its legality and effectiveness. Traditionally, legal concretization has been given considerable attention in domestic and foreign scientific literature, but the question of means of concretization of the norms of law has not been adequately developed. The object of the study is legal concretization. The subject of the study is the means of concretization the rules of law. The purpose of the article is to determine the means of concretization the rules of law and their systematization in accordance with the basic legal forms of state activity. The need to achieve the purpose of the study led to the use of so methods of cognition as formal-logical, systemic, critical and comparative. The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the definition of legal concretization. The author's definition of concretization the rules of law was formulated. The concretization of the legal norms is the activity of the subjects of law-making and application of law to eliminate or reduce the uncertainty of regulatory requirements using special means of legal technique. It is proved that the most important law-making means of concretization the norms of law are specification, addition, detailing and differentiation of normative prescriptions. Examples of using these facilities in the national legislation of Ukraine are given. The main means of concretization used in the process of application of law are an interpretation of the event, the specification of evaluative concepts, rules for overcoming collisions and analogy. It is concluded that these means ensure the proper development of the content of legal norms, their adaptation to mobile social processes and to the specific circumstances of real life. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the substantiated provisions and conclusions in it deepen the scientific knowledge about the concretization the rules of law. The obtained results can be used in the process of teaching the theory of state and law and in solving practical problems related to the process of improving legal regulation.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Волошенюк


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  • EP ID EP368901
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1214397
  • Views 70
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How To Cite

О. В. Волошенюк (2018). Засоби конкретизації норм права. Форум права, 49(1), 23-31. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-368901