Захист довкілля, екобезпека та суспільна свідомість як системна функція соціуму [Environmental protection, environmental safety and social consciousness as system function of a society]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
The current situation regarding the deepening of environmental crisis processes on the planet caused by different ethical approaches to the nature and natural resources protection analyzed. Moral and ethical followers of Francis of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas have different views on the strategies of environmental and wildlife protection on Earth. The attention is paid to mainstreaming a systematic approach and use of intellectual and cultural potential of mankind to solve environmental problems and sustainable (ecosafe) development. Until now an ongoing debate is run between nature tamers and its fanatical defenders about the role of an individual in the biosphere. Echo natural instincts and excessive social demands of the modern individual are struggling in his mind and does not always give the best result for environmental protection. Prolonged social progress was changing the social priorities which affected the social traditions attitude towards nature in different ways. Today there is the dilemma of public morality - unlimited enrichment and domination of a man or limit his requests and reconciliation. Based on system-make role of consciousness as the main effective lever of gruning of human activity areas, a consolidated societies function can turn up to overcome the consumer attitude to nature and its resources, preserving the environment and natural resources of the biosphere. World ethical and political trends and the main features of scientific concepts of the current crisis weakening were designated. UN Conference Rio-92 and Joint Declaration on Environment and Development, the Framework Convention on Climate Changes in 2015 show decisive steps of different countries’ intellectual elites to take the environmental situation under control. Mankind tends to move faster by means of technological evolution. Investments in science are increasing every year – both in absolute and in relative terms. An important factor that compels humanity to invest more resources in scientific and technical research - is eco-crisis of natural and anthropogenic origin. We justified the necessity of working out and adopting the legislation of humanistic principles and development of effective national "Sustainable Development Programme of Ukraine", entering the world standards of environmental impact assessment and environmental protection.
Authors and Affiliations
Petro Hnativ, Tetyana Dazko, Anatoliy Shovhan, Natalia Lopotych
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