Zepchnąć poezję na margines. Dylematy epikurejczyków co do miejsca poezji w świecie (i ich dziewiętnastowieczne pogłosy)
Journal Title: Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 0
The article presents Epicurus’ view on poetry and on traditional model of Greek upbringing and education. Te analysis of the philosopher’s words concerning the paideia and the nature of poetry, transmitted by the ancient authors, shows that the Epicurean understanding of poetry as a pure pleasure, which is not necessary to achieve happiness, results in the juxtaposition of poetry with philosophy and moving the former into the outskirts of the civilization. Te difculties concerning the interpretation of the Epicureans’ thought about art and their attitude towards the its role in the human life have been presented and the evolution of the Epicurean views has been outlined. It is explained how Epicurus’ denial of any value of poetry was modifed by Philodemus to the endorsement of its aesthetic qualities and later converted by Lucretius into attempts to express philosophical thoughts in the form of a poem.
Authors and Affiliations
Krystyna Bartol
„Pisma wszystkie” Bolesława Prusa. Informacja wydawnicza
"Pisma wszystkie" by Bolesław Prus. Publishing information
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